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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Origami Album

Brody is really into Origami right now. He keeps checking all these books out from the school library and he's completely addicted. He inspired me, so I thought, why not? I should be able to create a mini-album "Origami style". Check out what I came up with!

I needed that...

Chris, Melanie, Toni and I had a fun girls' night last night. We went to Toni's house and drank wine and scrapbooked. What could possibly be better than that!?! And thanks to my wonderful hubby for watching the kids even though he wasn't feeling the greatest. We need to do stuff like that more often. It was fun just sitting around shootin' the breeze with the girls. :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

National Scrapbooking Day

So, it's that time of year again and National Scrapbooking Day is quickly approaching. This is always a fun time of year for me. I get to indulge myself in all the things Scrapbooking and learn all sorts of fantastic new tricks! I will be participating in a "Make and Take" this year at the Scrapbook Workshoppe in Blue Springs. Charlene is also bringing in a fantastic designer from Pink Paislee (I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!). There is going to be lots of food and fun for everyone. Check out the fun make and take that I will be teaching:

Even if you are not a scrapbooker persay, this is a fantastic opportunity to see all types of crafty projects you can indulge yourself in. I hope to see you all there!

Acrylic Flower Mini-Album Class

Acrylic Flower Album
Date: May 22, 2009 @ 7:00PM
Cost: $35.00
Contact Scrapbook Workshoppe in Blue Springs, MO to sign-up or to purchase the kit

Are you tired of doing the same old thing? Well come join us and learn the latest and greatest when it comes to using acrylic. This simple (yet fun) album will allow you to explore the possibilities and help you tap into your creative side. We will be using alcohol inks, punching through acrylic, “bending” the acrylic and much more! I hope to see you there!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Legacy Park

We spent a lovely afternoon on Saturday celebrating Miss Leah's 1st birthday at Legacy Park in Lee's Summit. The clouds look nasty but it actually made for a fantastic afternoon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't forget to sign-up!

Hey ladies! Don't forget to sign-up for my Love Acrylic Album class next Friday 4/24. You only have until this Saturday. If you would like to join us please see my March 2009 post title "Come Join Me!" for all the details and registration information. I hope to see some of you there! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

We spent the afternoon over at Nanny & Papa's (Tony's parents) having lunch and an inside easter egg hunt because it was raining. (That was interesting!). Poor Holly was taking the brunt of the punishment. Check out the pictures below and you'll see

The kids actually got into a little bit of trouble yesterday. As I showed in an earlier post, we spent the day Saturday dying and stuffing plastic easter eggs in preparation for yesterday. I left the 120 stuffed plastic easter eggs on the kitchen table in two Wal-Mart sacks. But as we were hiding them yesterday I started noticing that there were several empty ones (30 to be exact). So I sat the kids down and told them that if they didn't tell me the truth about what happened to the candy in those eggs, neither one of them would be hunting easter eggs. That's all it took for Holly to sing like a She confessed (for the both of them) that they proceeded to help themselves on Saturday night. The look on Brody's face was priceless!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Paper Purse

I was feeling creative this afternoon and decided to do a little paper crafting. I came up with a cute little "purse" to stuff full of goodies. Take a look!

Easter Goodies

Tony, the kids and I spent a fun afternoon of stuffing and dying Easter Eggs for tomorrow's festivities. Holly really got into it this year (getting very Here are just a couple of pics:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Thanks to Brian and Chris the kids had a fantastic Easter Hunt this afternoon. We all had such a good time visiting and eating together. We don't do this nearly often enough (I'm sure Chris felt That was a lot of work!). Check out some of the cute pics that I captured of the kids:

Quote of the Day: "Mom, can't you just take a picture of the Easter Bunny by himself and photoshop me in?"...Leave it to Brody...LOL!! I think he might be getting a little too old for this stuff, but he'll just have to suffer because I'm not ready for him to be TOO OLD!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama passed!

President Obama passed his LEED AP test on Wednesday! He is the very first president of any country to become accredited. Now this probably doesn’t mean much to you if you are not in the “construction world”, but I’ll tell you why it’s so cool. An organization called the US Green Building Council (USGBC) has a point rated system for construction projects to become LEED certified buildings. This means, that the buildings are more energy efficient and “green” after completion. Things like using china instead of paper plates in the cafeteria, recycling rain water for landscaping, installing waterless urinals and recycling of construction waste during construction are just a few examples.

Now you may be asking yourself why would he want to become a LEED Accredited Professional when it’s typically for people in the Construction Industry? Well here is what President Obama had to say:

"Becoming a LEED AP is one of the proudest accomplishments of my life" said President Obama. "I decided that now was the time to get my AP, especially in light of the upcoming changes to USGBC's credentialing system... Green building is right for our economy, right for our health care system, and right for our future. LEED points the way towards the development of truly regenerative and sustainable communities, and now that I have my AP, I'm confident that I'm prepared for the job of rebuilding our country",

And who do we have to thank for our President going the extra mile? His daughter Malia! Sasha and Malia attend the Sidwell School which is a LEED Platinum Certified building. That’s impressive all in itself considering that it is the highest rating a building can receive and it’s the first ever school to become LEED Platinum Certified. But what’s really cool is that the school is actually teaching the children about the LEED system and it’s requirements. These kids are growing up learning about our environment and things that we can do as a nation to sustain Mother Earth. Malia even registered her Dad for the test by herself online.

The LEED AP test is not an easy one. Most people study for many weeks and even months before taking the test and many of them do not pass on the first try. I find it very impressive that he found time in his extremely busy schedule to study and prepare and even pass on his first try and also the fact that he found this to be important enough to achieve.

If you want to learn more about the USGBC and the LEED Accreditation system, visit their website at:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I think he's having a hard time...

I think Tony's having a hard time with this. Poor guy. I know that he has to be miserable. He accidentally twisted his arm last night in bed and I could tell from the groans that it hurt. He's even board with daytime TV. Now that's But the shocker of the century....he shaved off his goatee!! He looks at least 10 years younger. Now I just need to convince him to keep it that

Tony has an appointment this Friday afternoon to hopefully get his stitches out and get a cast put on. Keep your fingers crossed!

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