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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Meet the Teacher Night at School

It's that time of year again, and the kiddos are heading back to school. With one big difference. Now I have two starting school! (boohoo, boohoo, boohoo)!!

Brody has this routine down pat. He's starting the 4th grade! I can't believe that this is his last year in Elementary School. Where has the time gone? We walked into the classroom and his new teacher (Ms. Beck) yelled "Brody!". Apparantly they know each We got all of his supplies put away and then it was time to head over to Holly's new classroom. I think I was more terrified than she was.

We walked in the classroom and Mrs. Jannsen walked over and introduced herself. Of course I had to pry Holly off my leg, she's a little, but she warmed up to her pretty quick. We took a quick walk around the room and found her desk. She sat right down and started unloading her supplies. Of course I got paperwork

I was doing OK until the Mrs. Jannsen handed me a little red cardstock heart and asked me to write a note on it for Holly. She said that they will keep them in the pencil box and whenever they are missing mom and dad, they can pull it out and get a little comfort. That's when it hit me. My baby is actually starting Kindergarten! I'm not ready for this at all. It was all I could do to keep myself from crying. But I composed myself and wrote her a note and then handed it to dad so he could write her one on the other side.

I managed to keep it together, but come Tuesday morning it's going to be a completely different I've actually considered attending Kindergarten!!! I'll have lots of snapshots to share on Tuesday of their first day. It's going to be an exciting day for them both (if I can pry myself away from the school and actually leave them!!).

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