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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My first blog!!!

I was talking to Tony this afternoon, telling him I would like to start a blog about our family. Do you know what his response to that was? "Do you even know what a blog is?" And then he proceeds to laugh. I mean I know that I'm not the most technologically advanced person in the world, but geez! I don't live in a cave you

So I figured it was about time that I joined the 21st Century. I mean my 9 year old knows more about this stuff than I I'm slowly working my way into the message board and blog world. Don't ask me about iPods, GPS, or whatever new fandangled electronic toy is out there these days. I'm sticking one toe in the water at a time here (Give me a break, I just figured out the whole text messaging thing...lmao!!! BTW-Tony was completely shocked that I figured it out..nice husband

I was starting to feel a little left-out. I mean everyone else I know has a blog, why can't I. So here it is. I hope to keep this fairly up-to-date (OK, I mean I'll try my My life is fairly hectic working full-time and getting the kids getting ready to start back to school next week. And I know it's only going to get busier with the homework that is going to come with having two in school. (Trust me, I'm not looking forward to that. One was bad!)

So that's it! I made my very first ever blog entry. That wasn't so bad. Thanks for taking time out of your hectic schedule to take a peek into my world. I'll see ya next time!!


Melanie said...

I love your new blog! It will be so fun to keep up with what you and your family is up to. Maybe you will inspire me on my scrapbooking too!! Love it Becky!

Anonymous said...


I think you did a good job with it thus far. The pics of Brodie and Holly are precious. My gosh thay have grown.
BTW...don't be to hard on Tony...he just doesn't know, what you know or are capable of, thus far!
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Nice job Becky. Pics of the kids are great. Tell Tony and the Kids Hello.



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