SEO Services UK

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I can see the finish line...

It's finally starting to feel like a real kitchen again.  The only thing we are missing is the countertop (which is a, the tile for the backsplash and one cabinet above the wine rack that we had to re-order.  But everything else is complete.  Take a look at some before and afters:

Before (Tony had already started to rip out the tile on the backsplash):

This is what my living room has looked like for

Are you ready for is the after...TAH DAH!!!:

I can't wait to have it all done.  We will be celebrating it very shortly  Hope to see everyone there!  :)


~Chris~ said...

Oh wow, it looks great! Can't wait to see it in person!!

Melanie said...

Becky, I can't wait to come over and help you dirty it all up... really, looks great. I know it was a lot of work. hope to see you soon.


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