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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, 9/15/09 - Post #3

Today was an incredibly loooonng day for me. I was completely swamped at work and all I wanted to do was come home and crash, but I couldn't. I had a haircut appointment. So after work I picked Holly up and dropped her off at home with Tony so I could get to the salon. It was 7:30 before I got home and Tony was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework with Brody. He had taken the kids to Target with Nanny and Papa to pick out a new book. The no TV thing is really starting to get to me tonight. Both of the kids are in bed and I'd really like to unwind by watching one of my shows, but Tony and I played a game of Sharp Shooters instead. It was fun, but we found ourselves ready for bed quite early. This is going to be a very long


Giles Family said...

You guys are doing such a great job of sticking to this decision! I love the "WTF..." comment in your last post - cracked me up!!

Holly's cut is really cute!

Tara Powell said...

Becky, just wanted to let you know I am watching TV
nah- nah
nah nah nah!

Yes, I know, I am mean
and you love it


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