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Monday, March 2, 2009

Love Acrylic Album

I finally finished a project! Last Friday night I sat down and just did it. I find it hard to get motivated when scrapping by myself. But I was in the I think I'm going to submit this as my first class to teach at my LSS (local scrapbook store). The owner has been asking me for quite sometime, but I was just not ready. I might as well give it a shot. It's doing what I love and making some extra money at the same time. How can you beat that?!


Toni said...

I love this album idea! Tell me when and where you are teaching a class, and I will definitely sign up, your stuff is always so cool! I will be thinking about you this weekend at our retreat. We need to find one around town somewhere to go to sometime,

~Chris~ said...

That is real cute! I'm glad you decided to do your class. You will be great at it!


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